Brandon Wilson @therealbrandonwilson

Brandon Wilson last shared their writing PTO Donation
I saw a post on the website, which somehow floated to my SmartNews feed. First of all, writing a paragraph and then posting screenprints of comments from social media does not count as anything close to a news story. Nevertheless, since I have personal experience with the topic, I...
Brandon's Pantry
🍣 23 Sushis
🧇 22 Waffles
🥟 21 Dumplings
🍪 12 Cookies
🥚 29 Eggs
🍓 14 Strawberries
🥓 31 Bacons
🍺 23 Beers
🍫 22 Chocolate Bars
🥃 24 Whiskeys
☕️ 26 Coffees
🥩 20 Steaks
🍊 22 Tangerines
🍵 26 Teas
🍍 18 Pineapples

therealbrandonwilson oh I forgot to say lol. It's Attack on Titan.

abrahamKim good comparison. That happens a lot when working on a product too. Sometimes you spend a bunch of...

Day 2

therealbrandonwilson has been asking for a word counter for about a week now. But as soon as you wrote your first post I knew you would have that compulsion so...

Day 1

WOW - the whole gang is here and active. Well done Sir Abe. Thank you all for the warm welcome. Still fiddling around to understand how this works but I...