Keith wrote automated the orderly guy's schedule down in
. Now all his food was delivered to him. Fake messages from his friends' phone numbers arrived at his inbox to which he would respond. Keith's script intercepted these messages, prevented them from going to the friends' devices. Instead they were rerouted to a chat based
, that would generate a response and then be queued to respond back to the guy, spoofed to look like it was sent by the friend.
Keith had worked out a way to induce a lag period between responses. This way the guy felt like he was being responded to by a real human. Also Keith only activated the script for friends that were far from Westcity and had low probability of visiting.
When they (Keith and Cal) shared this script with Mike Dean, Mike Dean asked "what if they do visit? Or what if he goes to visit them?"
Keith and Cal looked at each other and shrugged. Cal was just happy that he was learning to code. He wasn't considering the ethics. But Mike Dean was right. They had no idea what would happen if their guy down on earth ended up meeting one of the friends in real life.