trapped by open schedule Imogen Howe

as reply to In Awhile

Alan's mom was a simple woman. After 15 years in a loveless relationship, and raising Alan and making sure he had what he needed - school, meals, a warm home -- it was now her time.

Zumba. Movies. Whatever she wanted. So long as her joints would let her. It was too bad that now that she had all her freedom her health wasn't as good.

These days she had all the time in the world. A younger self would've thought all this time would've made her feel free. Yet her empty schedules made her feel trapped. She would try to fill them. BUt a small town only had so much to offer.

Her husband had died relatively young. A clog in the widow maker artery. He was dead within five minutes. She wasn't sad when it happened. Shocked but a bit relieved after the shock subsided.

It brought her closer to her son Alan. And now she was missing him. After his wife 
Imogen Howe
had deserted him he hadn't been the same. It hurt her to see him live the way he did. In fact she wouldn't call it living at all. Rather being a zombie, drifting through the days.

"Oh hi! Yeah Sure!" Imogen responded almost right away.

Girl Time. She would try to understand what was going on. Maybe Imogen would tell her the things she hid from her son. Whatever happened at this girl meetup, she knew that she was happy to have that part of her schedule booked.
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