And before he was done with his fries and drink they came.
Boys in blue. Busted through his window and grabbed him. Yanked him onto the ground. Cuffed him and screamed. "STAY DOWN YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
Baka was confused. First that it wasn't Chubbs and his squad that was taking him down. And second that the police were not telling him 'you have the right to remain silent.'
Imogen Howe
rubbed her eyes. What the hell was she seeing. SWAT team. At least twelve of them on site. Who knew how many supporting them from blocks away. Shit they were going to get to the fucker before her.
She lit a cigarette. Felt pissed. But also kind of good. He'd get what was coming to him. That son of a bitch really deserved that.
There was a lot of excitement building up as she watched them prepare to storm. She wished she had binoculours to watch in more detail. She recorded the raid with her camera. She'd want to watch it again later.
The poor guy didn't know what hit him. He looked so lost and confused on the ground eating pavement.
She laughed. Lit another cigarette then suddenly it struck her. Why did she hate him so much? Who was he? what had he even done? Why had she been chasing him this entire time. It'd been so long, or felt like so long, that she could no longer remember.
"Well I guess it's time to head back to the Sparrow again... back to
. Dammit."