Steve @the_spark

Steve last shared their writing Project Freedom - The Topic
I've been writing about the affiliate marketing course I'm taking as part of Project Freedom.  I'm learning a lot and feel like I'm at a good place to start applying what I'm learning to the specific topic that I will be focusing on. 

The niche I chose is something that is...
Steve's Pantry
🍺 4 Beers
🍡 2 Teas
πŸͺ 3 Cookies
πŸ§‡ 2 Waffles
🍣 2 Sushis
πŸ₯© 1 Steak
πŸ₯Ÿ 1 Dumpling
πŸ“ 1 Strawberry
🍊 1 Tangerine
🍫 2 Chocolate Bars
β˜•οΈ 1 Coffee
πŸ₯š 1 Egg

Project Freedom

My first post which was just over a week ago, I referenced the sentence that we're all met with here on adagia..."Just write what flows..."

That's what I've done for my first week, but I was recently challenged by abrahamKim with the following....

I know...
2021-03-20 19:28:58


I moved from Arizona to Michigan in 2020.  One of the big differences is the weather and overall climate. 

In Michigan we have 4 seasons. In Arizona, I heard someone say there are 2 seasons, hot and hotter. I'll take those 2 seasons over the 4 seasons in Michigan. In Arizona...
2021-03-19 00:17:17

The Spark

About 2 years ago I started a small online hat brand called SPRK Hat Co.  The project is currently on hold while I gain clarity around where I want to take it in the future. However, the essence of spark is to pursue what lights you up. 

It's the initial combustion...
2021-03-18 00:20:46

The New Journal

I bought a new journal today.  I've tried many different guided and prompt driven journals for habit tracking, goal setting, vision casting, and on and on.  None of them work for me.  I prefer blank journals.

There's something special about getting a fresh journal with the crisp paper, and blank pages...
2021-03-17 00:19:13

Finding Time to do Meaningful Work

A common problem I have been telling myself lately is that it's hard to find time to do meaningful work.  I have a full time job (that takes more time than 40 hours a week), a wife, no kids, and 2 cats.

One would look at my schedule and say...
2021-03-16 00:40:14

Sunday and Spring

Today was a good day.  It was more spontaneous than planned and sometimes that's where the magic lives.  Sundays are typically relaxing without obligations or plans.  The rhythm of a Sunday is different than any other day of the week. I think it's because I have space and time. It's...
2021-03-15 00:28:28

Why I'm here

I'm new here.  Thanks to therealbrandonwilson for encouraging me to begin writing more consistently. He's been on an impressive writing journey that I have watched and admired. His process has become a healthy habit that has led to many positives in his life,...
2021-03-13 13:01:33

Running Into The Flow State

I'm a runner. I have memories of being a kid and feeling like I could run forever.  I would run to my friends house and then we would play basketball and run some more and then I would run home.  It was just natural and one of 3 independent modes...
2021-03-12 13:00:06

Living In Flow

Just write what flows.  That's the sentence that I was met with tonight when I sat down at this otherwise blank page staring back at me.  I appreciate that prompt and even though I read it, I didn't listen to it at first.  I got stuck in my own head...
2021-03-12 01:10:10