Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing

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Drew's Pantry
🍡 59 Teas
πŸͺ 79 Cookies
πŸ§‡ 72 Waffles
🍍 69 Pineapples
πŸ₯ƒ 70 Whiskeys
🍫 82 Chocolate Bars
🍣 81 Sushis
β˜•οΈ 74 Coffees
πŸ₯“ 81 Bacons
🍺 69 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 85 Dumplings
🍊 86 Tangerines
πŸ₯š 80 Eggs
πŸ“ 71 Strawberries
πŸ₯© 63 Steaks
Short Stories

You Too as reply to no reply

When she got up she felt like she was somewhere else, like on another planet. She couldn't believe what has happened, but also her mind didn't want her to remember it was just blank.Β 

Her mom used to tell her "If you don't know what to do get the vacuum...
2023-12-12 20:02:56

Feels Off as reply to we'll try

Marc lived in a brick building on the third floor. You could enter in the stairwell without a key, but then it was locked as they got upstairs. In the hallway there was four other doors, but it was only three. So they couldn't really knock could they?Β 

Elena knocked...
2023-12-11 20:03:43

We'll take another as reply to close enough to walk to

Kevin had a feeling like he should go too.

"Uhh if its alright I'll go too, I mean I'm almost done anyway."

Jerry didn't look up just replied "Yeah sure kid, sure. mmmm sure."

Kevin couldn't tell if that was a for sure yes, but he just went out any way. He...
2023-12-10 18:41:56

Lets talk to Jerry as reply to all the time

"Do you think he's like a drug dealer of something? Didn't you say he just like show up one day?"

"Yeah, I mean no. I don't know."

"Well think about it Elena, he's always happy, always doing extra work, what if he's just on speed or something?"

"I don't think so, I just...
2023-12-09 21:47:06

Are Missing as reply to idk

Marc was woken up by cold splash. He was tied slumped to a chair in the basement of some house on Fess Ave.Β 

He could just see a light flickering above his head.Β 

"It won't be long until they realize you're missing."

Marc scanned the room, he couldn't see that well...
2023-12-08 22:33:45

At it as reply to at the owlery

To other people Candance would say Elena is her best friend. She had this group from a long time ago, high school, those were her friends.

She met Elena when she was studying, nursing, but Elena wasn’t she was just working said she would join next year. But that turned into...
2023-12-07 18:04:29

... as reply to the more likely possibility

Elena could hear her heart beating. Pounding in her chest. She felt like she was in a movie. She checked again all her pockets. First her jacket then her pants then the jacket hanging on the hook. The phone was gone, had she dreamed it. No way, no way in...
2023-12-06 21:28:12

The Call as reply to breaths

When Elena woke up, she hope it was all a dream.Β 

She checked her drawer. There she found again Marc's phone powered off.Β 

She turned it on, and checked the messages, nothing new, then the calls, there she saw it the call.Β 

She turned the phone off, confused on what...
2023-12-05 19:14:21

Shown Blue as reply to marc's phone

He let her leave with his phone.Β 

Didn't he need it Elena thought.

Maybe in another way he was busy today.Β 

She thought about telling her roommate when she got home. Then she thought maybe she'd laugh, or so "Oh thats sooooo weird.". She said things like that sometimes and it...
2023-12-04 23:03:26

On the Cold as reply to get the writing out of the way

He went to Brooklyn next, not sure why just seemed like she would live there. He thought it was a funny thing he was doing searching for one person in a city of millions. Maybe inΒ  Westcity you could do that. Plan to accidently meet someone. Like they were only...
2023-12-03 17:26:58