
the usual as reply to Found that Weird

Abraham Kim
Westcity Imogen Howe Michigan
This airport felt drab. She remembered how she felt at the airport near Westcity felt. More exciting. Running away from the cafe and Imogen. All of her responsibilities.

When she had ample time before boarding time she thought about getting a book from the store. Instead she decided to get caught...

Awhile as reply to harder

Michigan Detroit
There were a few options he thought a quiet border involving a boat. But too exposed. Or two bridges one also small near the middle ofĀ  Michigan the other south a bit Detroit . He'd never been to Detroit he thought, but at the same time risky, a big crossing.Ā ...

Ten Miles to Bloomington as reply to keith forgot to shave

Blue Man Michigan gas
All the way in the center of the US the realĀ  Blue Man had gone north toĀ  Michigan . Who would look for him there he thought, he could just disappear. He read in a rest stop pamphlet, that the upper peninsula was a great escape. Thats what he wanted,...

oh shit as reply to Chuck: WFH

Abraham Kim
Michigan porn jacking off
Chuck was about to jack off, but then theĀ  porn wasn't so interesting. He thought about all the porn he had watched his whole life and wondered why he kept watching the new stuff. Couldn't he simply jack off to the porn that he once jacked off to? What was...
Hungry Car
When i'm not traveling I'm similar for gas fillups. Actually even once a month! But reason my car has more miles than yours is because of the trips toĀ 
I take.

By the way amazinglyĀ 
's 2015 vehicle has less than 26k miles on it! He's on a similar track to you lol.
Abraham Kim

Flash Fiction Practice
Dental UV lamps

consultants Michigan internet TikTok Gen-Z dentists UV shill salesman
He helpedĀ  dentists become more effective. That was what he did, though others called him some kind of consultant title, but seeing as he didn't like being associated with consultants , he chose not to take on that title openly. Instead he preferred to tell people that he helped dentists.


Blood on snow

blood snow Michigan
When I saw my blood on the snow I realized it was the first time I'd ever seen it. Blood stained snow.

Growing up in Michigan Ā winters I'd seen all kinds of other mixtures. Dog shit on snow. Motor oil on snow. Piss on snow. But I was amazed to have...
"Be careful where you let your roots grow" or "a rolling stone gathers no moss"?


I've had discussions about how often some midwesterner college grads move post school, driven by job/school destinations.

In a way you get to think that maybe you aren't even moving... because moving requires you to have lived somewhere. In a way when i read this i imagine you as someone who has moved seven times but someone who has settled down and rooted zero.

I for the first time after post-graduation feel like I have rooted. Ā 

And you're completely right when you say no place has it all and it's not the place that makes the man. I reckon inĀ 
right now there are plenty of made-men who feel at ease with who they are. It doesn't matter if their neighborhood might not have the best x, y, or z. It's more about them.

Now there's limits to this. When i stop along some gas station towns on my drives toĀ 
I often think that although the place doesn't make the man, it can neglect to nurture him. I wouldn't thrive in such places.

I look forward to the day you andĀ 
might visit me and my new life inĀ 
Bloomington, IN
Abraham Kim
To Survive
Hold the horses. I'm not yet treasurer. Soon. soon.... then I will control the world!Ā 

Btw are you still inĀ 
? Or have you moved onto more significant pastures?Ā 
Abraham Kim