Abraham Kim @abrahamKim
Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.
Solo Echo Practice π
Poems 2022 π
Squid Game π
Fiction Snippets π
Tennis π
Flash Fiction Practice π
Southbridge Freewriting Snippets π
Echo and Narcissus Writing Club π
Writing Driven Development π
Abe's Blog π
Documenting Adagia π
Letters to People π
Adagia Alerts π
Notes Following a Walk π
Willie π
Adagia Copy π
brian bug π
Poems 2021 π
Abe Snippets π
Character Sketches -- many stolen from D.M. π
Business Copy for Products that don't exist π
Adagia Broadcasts π
foo π
foo π
Engaging Expositions π
fish city π
Documenting Adagia π
Indie Hackers π
200 Words a Day π
Notes Following a Walk π
Westcity π
abrahamKim ah yes, beloved SMART goals. I am a big fan as a project manager :)
abrahamKim I'm with there. Re: my point in the writing, I think the problem with saying 'let's do better' is that it's a totally unqualified mission. It's missing the how. Better...
abrahamKim I decided on hats because I'm a big fan of wearing hats and I wanted a physical reminder to pursue the things that light me up. I wanted...
therealbrandonwilson if I had to choose today, I'd choose Adagia. I consider this small crew friends and I like being able to follow the path abrahamKim is on in...
brianball agreed, it's good that the issue of Asian hate is becoming a central part of the conversation. SF is one of my favorite cities; it's heartbreaking to see the...
a couple of barriers: fear, lack of complete awareness/comprehension of the facts one needs to act.
Another way to think about it: everything before the moment of activation is the...
abrahamKim I'm a big fan of Baron Fig https://www.baronfig.com/ The confidant notebook. I would be curious if your gf is familiar with this one. If not, I highly recommend it...
abrahamKim Awesome that williamliao sent you The Practice. That excerpt that you wrote is perfect. I do have to detach from perfection and just put in the work. ...
abrahamKim it's coming!
abrahamKim agreed on all accounts. On YouTube there are clips of studies done on attentional blindness that illustrate the importance of directing our attention - my favorite is the experiment...