Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Called Out
Sometimes he tried to talk to him, but the guy didn't want to talk. At first he thought it was a video game, weird one meant to freak him out. Maybe it was part of the assignment he thought. 

"Paging weirdo he played into the intercom."

He could tell the guy...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 49 Teas
🍪 68 Cookies
🧇 63 Waffles
🍍 58 Pineapples
🥃 56 Whiskeys
🍫 66 Chocolate Bars
🍣 66 Sushis
☕️ 65 Coffees
🥓 63 Bacons
🍺 58 Beers
🥟 68 Dumplings
🍊 70 Tangerines
🥚 62 Eggs
🍓 52 Strawberries
🥩 49 Steaks

The Office as reply to burger

In the car Josh from the office was filling him in. Apparently the team wasn't happy with their performance specifically some graphics, and he listed the slide numbers and the described the figures. The young guy was worried he fucked up. 

No no don't worry they are the ones that...
2023-03-13 11:35:10

Green Grass as reply to screw up

The elevator played calming music, but his heart was racing, the last time he was at the doctors he was told his levels were too high. Nothing to worry about, but just got to run a few more tests he said. Fine, the tests came back right before the meeting,...
2023-03-12 17:16:07

A good Team as reply to quiet morning

Walter was just scrolling it was 8:45. 15 minutes before the meeting he had a little me time. A long time ago when he was therapy he would breath during this time. 15 minutes is perfect for a little break. Then maybe in his online gaming phase he would try...
2023-03-11 20:50:59

Very Alone as reply to what money is

When Steve dreamt he couldn't talk. He seemed to move around his dreams and just observe and feel. A lot of the time his dreams were happy, but it wasn't about anything. He would wake the next morning, and feel good. This morning would be different, because Steve was having...
2023-03-10 18:38:23

Goo Morning as reply to presumably

Keith woke up from a strange dream. He was with a couple just staring at their computer then they looked at him and shut there computer. With the slam Keith woke up. Just his bed. Plain normal. He looked at the time, almost 6. He looked at the map. Just...
2023-03-09 21:21:08

We're Out as reply to hey, idiot

When Lindsay got home Steven told her everything. First she was angry, then she was silent, then she asked

Why didn't he take the money?

To which steven replied with just his eyes and a slight shrug. I don't know.

There was a pause and he said you think its like, real?

2023-03-08 18:10:52

Better Time as reply to key

Steve tried in that moment to think like his girlfriend, who handled most of everything in their life. From the wifi to gas bills, even to paying the water. He searched the house checking the file cabinets. Then he thought maybe the computer, and went back to the computer. He...
2023-03-07 22:30:29

The Run Around as reply to worthy

Steve is the man the man with the plan. Steve Steve Steve. The man sang into the mirror, right after shaving most of his facial hair off. Leaving just a mustache. He thought his girlfriend probably wouldn't let him keep it. But he finger gunned at the mirror, and said...
2023-03-06 17:43:58

Needed as reply to intervening

I told you you shouldn't have been doing that.

Marianna was anxious, and her heart beat she could feel picked up its pace. Last night Keith and her talked too late, and he told her all about what Cal and him did. How it seemed to really be making a...
2023-03-05 21:01:21

A Slice as reply to do you want to talk about it

Joey left the bar, a little sway in his walk. A bit sadder than when he started the night. Joey looked at his phone again no messages. There was some likes on a picture he posted. The first picture in awhile. When he was with Carianne she would tell him...
2023-03-04 21:28:53