nedzen @Nedzen

nedzen last shared their writing
My new flatmate
Waking up, the demon above me leaning on the ceiling, grinning his yellow teeth at me. I look him in the eyes, his black eyes injected with blood, staring at me without blinking. The body of a dead, not his body but stolen from another nobody dead, abandoned, lost, and...
nedzen's Pantry
Chocolate Bars
Short Stories
Men vs Women. WTF?!
This is a ridiculous debate. The other day I went out with Mark, a friend of mine. I wasn't planning to stay out long; just go to a nice bar, have a drink, chat a bit and call it a night. So, I give him a call;
"Hey mate, got plans...
"Hey mate, got plans...
incognito as reply to calm night
I hate waking up to the sound of an alarm. It's something that I absolutely despise more than anything in this world. Wait, I think lesbian feminists make me cringe even more. But alarms do tend to fuck up my day royally. Don't get me wrong; I'm not sleeping in...
007 as reply to open schedules
Around 5PM Mark was digging out his keys, searching in every poket. He doesn't find them so, he goes in the backyard of his block to take the backup keys that he kept hidden under a flower pot. He takes them and returns to the apartment. Puts the key inside...
I eat a protein bar that has 20% grasshoppers. It has a faint flavor of cinnamon and chocolate, the texture is quite sandy, and those keratine exoskeletons don't melt in the mouth no matter how long you chew at it. I wonder if the grasshoppers have emptied their intestines before...
Mia as reply to some relationships work better that way
I rarely come to Gorlitzer park but today, I kinda missed it so decided to pass trough on my walk to Schlesisches Tor. It was nice sunny so I stopped on a bench to finish my doner. This place always amazed me. The weed dealing that goes on in broad...
NOT A DREAM as reply to dream
I check the time, it's 5:40. Damn! 6 AM soon and I haven't slept a bit this night, I pulled the thick dark curtains of my bedroom window, and eventually fall asleep to the sound of water falling during Cassandra's interminable shower.
"- What are you doing??" I open my eyes...
"- What are you doing??" I open my eyes...
shit! what the fuck as reply to mark sits alone
4AM. It is dark, and cold and it rains since yesterday. Sunday. I look over the window and I see a group of 4 punks, 3 boys and a girl, across the street, sheltering on the stairs of the residence building in front. They're all packed together in one square...
Meditation - I am
Find a nice place where you can sit comfortably in silence for an hour or more. You may choose a moment early in the morning or later at night when you have more time and do not feel pressured to accomplish other tasks immediately after. Take out your mobile phone,...
walking alone as reply to walking to the town square, thoughts becoming beliefs
As I walked under the oak trees, stepping over the dampened dead leaves littering the sidewalk, I realized the idea of ownership doesn't apply to anything in nature. These trees do not own their leaves; they just grow in springtime and fall in autumn. The birds do not own their...
Guided Meditation
Find a comfortable position on your couch or an armchair, or grab a pillow and sit on the floor. Take a few deep inhales and set a timer for 30 minutes. You can turn on airplane mode and also put it on silent.
Now, find a comfortable seated position, wherever you...
Now, find a comfortable seated position, wherever you...