nedzen @Nedzen

nedzen last shared their writing
My new flatmate
Waking up, the demon above me leaning on the ceiling, grinning his yellow teeth at me. I look him in the eyes, his black eyes injected with blood, staring at me without blinking. The body of a dead, not his body but stolen from another nobody dead, abandoned, lost, and...
nedzen's Pantry
Chocolate Bars
Short Stories
Evolving with the community
Some 15 years ago I have encountered an unusual being on the internet. This person was at that time an active member of an online community of futurists; thinkers, philosophers, artists, designers, technologists, scientists, etc. all extremely passionate about transhumanism.
We were all enthusiastic to be together, to contribute to something...
We were all enthusiastic to be together, to contribute to something...
I'm currently putting together a portfolio and I'm looking at the work I've done in the past 3 years. It's quite a lot, and I'm proud of it. The harder projects were the ones where I learned the most. I don't mind working on the hard stuff, what I don't...
Adventures come to the adventurer
About two years ago I was on a roadtrip with my girlfriend somewhere in the south of Morocco. We wanted to see the desert so, we drove further down south to the entry in the Sahara. I never experienced temperatures like that. We stopped into a little village just before...
Thinking about insanity and freedom
Insanity is being unable to escape the cage of your thinking. That is one of the largest human challenges - to emerge afresh, anew. Experience records itself in the mind, and the mind simulates it. The mind wants to have an accurate interpretation of experience, and of how reality works...
The body has certain limits when it comes to making effort. The limits I perceive, from my embodied experience do not coincide with what my body can take. When exercising for example, on a regular day my performance would be much less intense than if i would've been in a...
Start Game
A clean slate, a blank canvas, a white sheet of paper, a white wall, a plot of land, a newborn baby, a clear mind, a silent night, the ocean, the desert a mountain top above the clouds. Where do you go when you look for inspiration? Starting afresh is intimidating...
A rising blue flame
quick outline
Descending the river Ether I looked on both shores to admire the magnificent cities built by the first colonies to arrived here. Just like me, they were amazed by the beauty and richness of this land. Some were lured by it and decided to abandon the turbulent waters of their...
The first time I took LSD - Trip report
Today is a day just like that day, nice and sunny, the summer is just starting and the vegetation is exploding everywhere I look. It's been a while since I took LSD for the first time, about five years ago if I remember well. I was visiting a friend who...
I express myself therefore I exist.
Why do I always have to write about something? Why can't I just let my hands do the writing while I stare amazed at what's being written? I tried a couple of times to decouple my hands from my brain, It kinda worked. For example that one time when I...
Letting go of fear
Sometimes, I find myself torn apart by worries and I wonder, why do I worry? Fear. My mind cannot stop thinking what if this or that won't turn right. It compulsively thinks about the future. Everything that falls into a blind spot outside of my control or awareness becomes something...