He awoke later and later each morning. Soon he realized that he was waking up at 11. He needed to get out of here. HIs parents house. It stirred a laziness in him. Maybe moving back with his mom would be impossible. He began to understand why some of his friends who lived with their parents were apt for depression.
The main highlight of his days were going to the cafe. He'd get there by noon-ish. Have a scone or zucchini bread alongside black
and think. Nothing productive came out of this thinking. He was simply thinking to think.
Most thoughts were about what to do after graduation. How crazy it would be to move back here. And then wondering what else he could do. All roads of thought seemed to lead to
however. That's where he knew the most people -- well people he wanted to talk to -- and where he felt the most comfortable. He felt out of element in his hometown. Moving back here after graduation was just a fleeting thought. Placed their by Imogen.
Sometimes he'd get to talk to her. Some days she'd be too busy. Today was one of those days. He sat there imagining how in the future, he'd remember this
winter break
by his talks with
Imogen Howe
. This town however... would probably lost in his memory.