Keni @keni

Under Construction

Keni last shared their writing First Saturdays
The first Saturday of every month, I meet with two groups of ladies. One is a book club and the other is a group I became a part of after an online class. 

The book club is mostly Ethiopians and we read a book that has been voted by the...
Keni's Pantry
☕️ 50 Coffees
🍪 44 Cookies
🥟 32 Dumplings
🍵 53 Teas
🍓 30 Strawberries
🍍 44 Pineapples
🍣 45 Sushis
🍊 53 Tangerines
🥩 45 Steaks
🧇 31 Waffles
🥚 43 Eggs
🥓 49 Bacons
🍺 24 Beers
🍫 39 Chocolate Bars
🥃 32 Whiskeys
Non Fiction Books

keni of course you might think of choosing mr Adams haha. He's a great writer of succinct thought provokers. Kind of like Godin.

williamliao yes I signed up! when I...


keni you might be interested. But these days you have a tight timeline I'm guessing? This cohort seems to take some decent amount of time each day. Unless you're already...