Keni @keni
Under Construction
The book club is mostly Ethiopians and we read a book that has been voted by the...
of course you might think of choosing mr Adams haha. He's a great writer of succinct thought provokers. Kind of like Godin.
yes I signed up! when I...
keni A true axiom. BTW, I added you to my Telegram channel where I broadcast episodes and bonus content from The Brandonian Doctrine. Thought you could use some chuckles.
keni you might be interested. But these days you have a tight timeline I'm guessing? This cohort seems to take some decent amount of time each day. Unless you're already...
are there any shared projects that either of you two had in mind?
and I have been thinking of a shared way for us to take...
Lmao being able to select a treat based on the writing is out of my core competency. I would love that to be a thing but right now it's completely...
welcome back! I second Brandon's sentiment.
I wish you all the best & feelings of wellness going into this month keni !
therealbrandonwilson I'll reach out to you regularly over the next six weeks to see if there's anything I can learn from you. I would like to see what you would...