Keni @keni

Under Construction

Keni last shared their writing First Saturdays
The first Saturday of every month, I meet with two groups of ladies. One is a book club and the other is a group I became a part of after an online class. 

The book club is mostly Ethiopians and we read a book that has been voted by the...
Keni's Pantry
☕️ 50 Coffees
🍪 44 Cookies
🥟 32 Dumplings
🍵 53 Teas
🍓 30 Strawberries
🍍 44 Pineapples
🍣 45 Sushis
🍊 53 Tangerines
🥩 45 Steaks
🧇 31 Waffles
🥚 43 Eggs
🥓 49 Bacons
🍺 24 Beers
🍫 39 Chocolate Bars
🥃 32 Whiskeys
Non Fiction Books


I have been living in my own little bubble over the last 18 months. 
Since COVID started, everyone I know is working remote. For some reason, I assumed that a majority of people are all learning to do their job remotely. 

I even went as far as thinking about real...
2021-09-30 01:18:03


I find myself checking Medium a few times a day. 
I want to know if the results are out. If there are any hints of who might win. And of course, I read the other entries of people who wrote for the same prompt as I did for the writing...
2021-09-29 01:02:40

95 days to end of 2021

An idea came to me yesterday. 
After 21 years, I think it is time for me to revisit my home country. 

Before I do that, many things have to be in order. 
My health.
My finances.
My goals. 
Some plans I have about things to do in Ethiopia.

Then I looked at the...
2021-09-27 23:47:14

Pro Tip

I came across a sales tip a few minutes ago. I think it is a big one. 

Sell the problem - Not the solution

I remember investing a lot of time in the features of my products. Creating a lot of visuals for the solution. I barely spent any time talking...
2021-09-26 17:15:16

Too Much

I have been told I do too much.
That has been the story of my life. 

I took 120 credits from the community college I went to when I first came to the US. That was twice the number I needed to get my associate degree. 
I proceeded to do a...
2021-09-26 01:53:04

AWS Amazon Web Services

I got an invite for an AWS female founders day. It was yesterday Sept 23rd. It was a 5 hour event online. I forget how and when I signed up for it but I got a reminder from Amazon so I logged in.

I always enjoy listening to the journey...
2021-09-25 02:41:09

Sleep Experiment

I have done a few experiments to try and improve my quality of sleep. 

I have come to realize that I am a night person when it comes to creativity. I find that my mind has the most interesting ideas at night. I am not convinced that I am useless...
2021-09-24 00:42:28

my why as reply to Bobbin

When I read Scott Adam's book, one chapter where Scott talks about investigating what we liked as children caught my attention. 

I made a deliberate attempt to remember what I liked. 
I remember fake cooking with leaves and sticks. 
I remember wanting to create a magazine with write ups and...
2021-09-23 00:25:37

Your group

Who are your top five people who you talk to most right now?
In what ways do they influence you?

Sir Abe asked this question in the comment section of a post by Seun. 
I have read a lot of books that talk about being deliberate with whom we spend time....
2021-09-22 01:11:27

Middle Men

Lately I have been spending a lot of time on I didn't realize how much material was on it until now. 

I occasionally would look at an article or two. But now, I find myself searching for a topic within Medium itself. Based on a few topics I am...
2021-09-20 23:55:16