Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing figure out next steps
He didn't have time for this. More than time, he didn't have the mind. A coffee. He needed a damn coffee. The first one from earlier in the morning had worn off. This he could feel now that the andrenaline of McKayla's accident had worn off.

Max said a sort of...
Abraham's Pantry
🧇 58 Waffles
🍫 58 Chocolate Bars
🍪 48 Cookies
🥃 42 Whiskeys
🍊 37 Tangerines
☕️ 64 Coffees
🍺 57 Beers
🥟 56 Dumplings
🍍 56 Pineapples
🍵 47 Teas
🍣 55 Sushis
🥓 48 Bacons
🥚 46 Eggs
🥩 41 Steaks
🍓 51 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

Letters to People

I remember on our walks together I would often cite the example of Frodo leaving The Shire when the question of how we were spending our time came up. Both of us were away from family most the year, this distance becoming more normalized with each passing month, and I...
2021-01-06 02:58:56

Notes Following a Walk
College Ghost Towns

If you walk on Jordan Ave. south of campus, look north and you can see the university library from across town. The elevation of the terrain and no trees covering the path, seeing it will amaze you at how far a horizon can actually be. Usually I don't notice this...
2021-01-03 20:43:40

Now that it's begun

Often we talk quantify macro issues in measures like total cost in GPD. When I think of that measure I immediately imagine disasters like COVID or the war on drugs or the mental health pandemic. One thing that saddens me is that I believe that the U.S is starting 2021...
2021-01-03 02:25:09

Documenting Adagia
After Four Weeks

I'm happy to see we have a tiny crew of regulars here. I actually look forward to coming here to see what discourse has brewed while i was gone. It feels like a little corner of home* that I remember 200WAD feeling like.

I actually like that we are currently invite-only...
2021-01-01 22:38:53

No Big Wins

I believe that big wins don't exist. Every big win we admire is actually yet another small step along a journey of a life that has been driving a road of small wins consistently through time. We simply cast such highly visible victories along such a continuum as big because...
2021-01-01 01:45:20

Black and White

Some things are black and white, and the switch happens real quick. The person that you got into an argument with can go from being a sentient human with their entire life -- schedules, relationships, goals, dreams, etc -- to being a corpse implicating you as murderer in a matter...
2020-12-31 02:09:08

Upcoming Features of Adagia

I was planning on creating a section for the site where people could suggest/critique/discuss/debate/etc features for this site. But jasonleow just released something that I think would work better for that. 

Go check out LifeLog. https://golifelog.com/ 

It's a community and app that's dedicated to...
2020-12-29 18:49:00

Small Wins and Atomic Habits in Video Games

I think that video games make the prime example of effectively designing for small wins.

Video Games are so effective in this that they can take someone unable to manage simple things in life -- cooking, cleaning, etc -- and transform them into a dedicated, effective human-- in the scope of...
2020-12-28 18:53:39

Journey being Destination -- Stardew Valley

This winter break my girlfriend started playing Stardew Valley a farm-simulation + RPG combo that I've purposely kept my distance from because of how addicting it appeared. I have so many takeaways from observing how she and her brother play this game but in this post I examine the journey...
2020-12-28 01:45:14

Learning from failures -- Nazi Germany's Hunger Plan

Just finished reading the Wikipedia page for Nazi Germany's Hunger Plan*, and I just decided on a new personal approach to learning history. I've always assumed that history was best learned through the successes. In school we learned about who the presidents were. Who the emperors were and how they...
2020-12-26 23:38:48