Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing the bat would watch
The guy though, she knew he would be back. He would be marked forever by this place. That hall. And that baguette that the girl had slipped on. Matilda the Bat was planning to die there. That young guy wasn't as attached to the apartment but he could never return...
Abraham's Pantry
πŸ§‡ 57 Waffles
🍫 58 Chocolate Bars
πŸͺ 48 Cookies
πŸ₯ƒ 42 Whiskeys
🍊 37 Tangerines
β˜•οΈ 64 Coffees
🍺 57 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 56 Dumplings
🍍 56 Pineapples
🍡 47 Teas
🍣 55 Sushis
πŸ₯“ 48 Bacons
πŸ₯š 45 Eggs
πŸ₯© 41 Steaks
πŸ“ 51 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

close enough as reply to Called Out

Jack was lost. It'd been months. He should've had his book out by now.

Instead he had run from California. Nobody online knew where he was.

He'd gone to Westcity . Big enough that he could blend in. small enough that he felt a part of something. And the real reason. It...
2024-05-17 03:20:06

heat as reply to Called Out

The infared camera was Dave's favorite. When it was dark, the guy in there couldn't see shit. But Dave could see all of the guy. His heat.Β  body heat was an amazing thing. Something Dave took for granted until this job.

There were so many movie scenes he rememberd. Where a...
2024-05-16 03:07:10

watching as reply to Would Happen

The room had no windows. He faced a computer all day. And the coffee was bad.

But he was no longer in that motel room. So he was glad to be here.

Big Joe still brought him Chinese food. The same kind he got delivered in that dingy motel room. He'd...
2024-05-15 03:05:42

keith wondered as reply to Keith Thought

"Have a little bit more to drink."

Keith looked at the cameras. Wondered which one was the one the person was looking at. Keith wanted the person to see Keith straight on.

"You must be thirsty. We know you're dehydrated. So go on. Have a drink."

Keith kept looking. Felt his mouth with...
2024-05-14 03:00:19

before ten as reply to The Note Said

He wasn't sure if he could leave the room or not. He had passed the test. What did that mean?

He had nowhere to go even if he were to leave the motel. So he stayed put. Was just happy to have eaten somethign for the first time in days.

Whoever was...
2024-05-13 03:18:56

nice to know as reply to Turned Around

Dave... the other one, not the one who worked with Keith in a lab, was still stuck inside that motel. He hadn't eaten in four days now. Was worriedΒ  Big Joe would never return.

Dave felt the fat on his stomach. Estimated he had about four or so weeks left to...
2024-05-11 03:56:45

a familiar coastline as reply to Could Do

There was nothing good on. All the good stuff went to streaming services now. TheΒ  TV was akin to paper mail. Nothing but junk and ads.

But the big man hadn't left him a computer. He didn't have his phone on him. There was nothing to do but watch the tube....
2024-05-10 02:24:51

at least the groceries as reply to Dave Said.

It was enough food for two days he supposed. Calories. No nutrition really. But something to consume and not be 'starving' at least.

He didn't know what he was going to do. In fact he had never gotten a reply to the question: how long would he have to hide out...
2024-05-09 02:39:22

swell as reply to Been Changed

Keith had always found his upbringing sad. Over the couple days he told it to Imogen Howe , he realized it wasn't sad at all. Had he read a similar upbringing in another man's biography he wouldn't pity the guy. Would find it relatable. Nothing to be ashamed of.

That's what...
2024-05-08 02:32:33

in decades as reply to Feel the Best

She was asleep when he returned. The song kept playing in his head.

"TheΒ  Seaside Rest , the place that knows you best."

Stuck in his head. An ear worm. Funny that it was this motel jingle.

He thought about what to do. Sat on the chair near the other window, away from...
2024-05-07 03:05:57