Abraham Kim @abrahamKim
Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.
Solo Echo Practice π
Poems 2022 π
Squid Game π
Fiction Snippets π
Tennis π
Flash Fiction Practice π
Southbridge Freewriting Snippets π
Echo and Narcissus Writing Club π
Writing Driven Development π
Abe's Blog π
Documenting Adagia π
Letters to People π
Adagia Alerts π
Notes Following a Walk π
Willie π
Adagia Copy π
brian bug π
Poems 2021 π
Abe Snippets π
Character Sketches -- many stolen from D.M. π
Business Copy for Products that don't exist π
Adagia Broadcasts π
foo π
foo π
Engaging Expositions π
fish city π
Documenting Adagia π
Indie Hackers π
200 Words a Day π
Notes Following a Walk π
Westcity π
abrahamKim thanks! In this case the lowercasing was unintentional, though I generally try to be mindful of how meaning may change through capitalization. Glad in this case it appears to...
abrahamKim Nope, no streak shenanigans allowed. The streak must remain pure. The real question is how long do you plan to keep going?
, I enjoy Daniel's Tweets also. I guess our interest kinda intersects :)
if you can make another leaderboard that wouldn't be tied to streaks, it'd be revolutionary...
abrahamKim All I know is when I first posted on 12/6, I didn't see anything on the site that was tracking a streak. jasonleow and Arcticloon Both showed a streak...
abrahamKim - that feedback is spot on. I almost didn't include that descriptive part. I could have handled it better. The joy of "don't tell me, show me" -- is...
abrahamKim I maintain that the only reason you are ahead in streak is that somehow the counter started before the streak was implemented.
abrahamKim Your characterization of me is accurate. Not all nonfiction books have joyous and quick revelations, mind you. I do like a show like Breaking Bad, which is action action...
abrahamKim regarding circuses, as peterdannock notes: 'Having the Australian Open is big business'. There are multiple dimensions of ethics to this issue that should be under consideration. There is the...
Thanks! Thankfully I believe the assumption for the order 'coffee' is still HOT!, haha.
I have a post for tomorrow that is related to why average doesn't make...