Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing All Night
She stood outside theย  Seaside Rest listening to the rain fall. She imagined looking at herself from far away a little red light would be slowly flickering on and off. Like some fire fly.

She tossed the cigarette away and smashed it with her foot.

She breathed the smoke out...
Drew's Pantry
๐Ÿต 57 Teas
๐Ÿช 75 Cookies
๐Ÿง‡ 68 Waffles
๐Ÿ 63 Pineapples
๐Ÿฅƒ 67 Whiskeys
๐Ÿซ 73 Chocolate Bars
๐Ÿฃ 76 Sushis
โ˜•๏ธ 71 Coffees
๐Ÿฅ“ 76 Bacons
๐Ÿบ 64 Beers
๐ŸฅŸ 81 Dumplings
๐ŸŠ 84 Tangerines
๐Ÿฅš 71 Eggs
๐Ÿ“ 66 Strawberries
๐Ÿฅฉ 58 Steaks
Short Stories

His Teacher as reply to darker

"Danny grew up quick." A psychologist was explaining to his teacher.ย 

"He probably never had a role model. Or a care giver that was really... around lets say."

"But what about his uh, outbursts, will those go away?"

"Its hard to say... Uh. People like this sometimes its just a phase... Other...
2024-09-14 17:10:41

Grow Up as reply to an argument

Sometimes, but more and more lately, the kid would take a long break during lunch. People assumed always he was working somewhere else, he was clean shaven and young so people trusted him.ย 

He liked walking to the pier, in many ways it was better than being at the stupid...
2024-09-13 10:26:47

His Arm as reply to closest thing to a routine

They'd meet in the morning before their shift. To have a smoke, and check in.

"You hear any?"

"Danny, nothing."

"Me neither." The kid said and looked away.ย 

"You, think?"

"No, no way, nothing happened. This is how you do it." Blayne said, and made a motion with his hand going up and then...
2024-09-12 17:10:51

Seaside Rest as reply to a mind game

Blake didn't check out, becauseย  Imogen Howe gave him her phone number.ย 

It was the night of the attack his laptop was stolen, but she was worried about him. She cleaned up his head, and put on some anti-bacterial to prevent infection. Then she gave him her number. She said...
2024-09-11 21:03:39

Should be in Soon as reply to this could spell trouble

It was the way he asked. Like he already knew the answer, the question was more about if he could trust her. She dodged it well she thought.ย 

She hadn't seen them in a little, like 5 days. The guy who got rob still hadn't left. Now the kid was...
2024-09-10 20:48:07

Story Going as reply to he owes me

The lady despite her vision slowly fading, and her hearing getting worse, was the only one who knew everything. She saw everything.ย 

The girl, the gun, the men and the murder.ย 

Although she didn't see the murder she knew their must have been one. Possibly two she wrote.ย 

The detective...
2024-09-09 09:01:37

Thought as reply to prince of mordor

โ€œI need some air.โ€

The detective went outside while the policeman interviewed the front desk person and then the bar man.ย 

He lit his lighter. Well tried the sea air blew this way and that, putting the flame out. He cupped his hand around it and puffed hard on the cigarette....
2024-09-08 22:10:14

He Heard as reply to a distrubance

"Shit fuck just grab his computer."

"Shut the door."

"Fuck, get your hands, help, he."

"Keep him quiet."

"Just the computer is all we need."

"Keep quiet."

The three men had ski masks on. They'd slipped in at night when they thought he Blake was gone. He had just went out to get ice.ย 

"We just...
2024-09-07 22:10:59

Okay, Yeah Okay as reply to couldn't hear

Itsย  curious how sound bounces off of walls she thought. The men outside the automatic doors. When it opened the sound came in and when it closed it stoped.ย 

It opened.

"We'll just go in there and steal his laptop nothing else has to happen."

"We told you this would happen."

"They would...
2024-09-06 19:41:20

It Down as reply to the kid is worried

She never liked the smoking. Always complained to management. Would get a sarcastic respponse like "What else are people going to do on breaks?". But she didn't like it. 

She had some kind of deal with the hotel owner, like she just worked mornings. 6-11. Then she left. She liked it...
2024-09-05 22:12:46