Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Been Changed
"Could I have another?" Dave asked. Coughing the last cigarette burned his throat, but he realized quick this  Big Joe guy was polite. He'd never say no, and would never kill a guy smoking a cigarette. He tried to hide his cough.

"You look more like you need water than another...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 47 Teas
🍪 68 Cookies
🧇 63 Waffles
🍍 58 Pineapples
🥃 54 Whiskeys
🍫 64 Chocolate Bars
🍣 66 Sushis
☕️ 65 Coffees
🥓 63 Bacons
🍺 58 Beers
🥟 68 Dumplings
🍊 69 Tangerines
🥚 62 Eggs
🍓 51 Strawberries
🥩 49 Steaks

His Tea as reply to she was passing out

He didn't take her home for some reason. Thats what a normal person would do, he was worried that how that would come across. They left her car at the beach, worried she might pass out at the wheel. Instead he took her to the lab lounge. It was past...
2024-04-06 19:25:45

Keith Said as reply to want to make 60 bucks?

She watched his blood move up through the tubes and into the machine, then she looked at hers. That was it she thought. She felt close to death in that moment watching some of her insides on the outside of her body. But looking at his felt different like intimate....
2024-04-05 20:32:59

A Finely Tuned Machine as reply to the mid point table

"Its weird it took so long." She said. 

The guy pretended not to notice, but maybe he did. 

"Its weird it took so long, like with your  McFlurry were the only people here." She laughed a little. 

He turned to face her, unsure.

"Yeah, I mean I guess they have drive...
2024-04-04 20:36:56

His McFlurry as reply to what kind of person do you want to be

Imogen didn't know how to answer this. She didn't think this about herself, but was happy for Ashley.

"Guess its none of this again." She joked. But it would turn out to be true.

"But who do you want to be? Like your not gunna be always like this, you...
2024-04-03 19:28:49

Got Warm as reply to didn't need an answer

Her friendship with Ashley faded after the summer she met Alan. She wasn't sure why, and although they never talked about it Ashley didn't know either. 

"It was like a setting sun", she wrote once in her journal "it had to happened".

They moved away, and she had the cafe, even...
2024-04-02 22:44:23

Drifted Off as reply to one day would be plenty

She stayed another cheap motel by road that led to the highway. There was another  McDonalds there, but not much else. She wanted to spend the night next to the ocean, but then she'd have to get more cash out, and it was expensive. She didn't know how much more...
2024-04-01 16:25:00

Wanted as reply to mcflurry

Keith never got tired of the  McFlurry , no matter where he went in the state it tasted the same. Like a glass of milk he thought but never said out loud. 

It was quiet, and normally he’d eat in his car, but this was enough for him. Enough silence...
2024-03-30 23:06:06

An Ice Cream as reply to ages ago

The water crashed and swelled in front of her. It smelt like the ocean on the other side she thought. It surprised her how big the waves were. How much the sound surrounded her. 

There was chaos but predictability. She just had her feet in the water. She liked how...
2024-03-29 21:02:34

Waste as reply to The Zone

Soon Dale was in the zone. Like butter melting on warm bread, he fell into his usual rhythm. He could keep this up for a few hours then he’d take out the trash. An order of 50 burgers came in, some sort of birthday party he thought. Then got to...
2024-03-28 14:09:50

She Went as reply to the next pot would be the usual

“We lost eyes on the purse.” 

The radio beeped to say over. 

“Where do you think she went?” 

Carl scanned between one camera to another. No nothing. Not a thing. It’s like she’s just gone in thin air. 

Sarah checked too. 
“Yes that’s confirmed.”

“She could only go to the dark...
2024-03-27 15:06:54