Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Instead
Enough time passed and he just had to ask.

“Whose that?”

“Uh what oh he’s he’s one of my friends. My mates. From back in the day. We’d take pictures, draw pictures always trying to out do one another.”

“So he’s not famous? I could have sworn I’ve seen him before”

“No no well...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 59 Teas
🍪 79 Cookies
🧇 72 Waffles
🍍 69 Pineapples
🥃 70 Whiskeys
🍫 82 Chocolate Bars
🍣 81 Sushis
☕️ 74 Coffees
🥓 80 Bacons
🍺 68 Beers
🥟 85 Dumplings
🍊 86 Tangerines
🥚 80 Eggs
🍓 71 Strawberries
🥩 63 Steaks
Short Stories

Amused Her as reply to blake is steve now

She had the pistol now in her waist. The way she held it made Blake feel nervous. Like she has killed before and now she was waiting for something to happen. Or like she knew something would happen, and soon.

They walked back to hotel together, first on the beach....
2024-09-01 19:53:42

Saw Her as reply to turn

"And here we are sir, a whole chicken. Buon appetite."

"Uh thank you he said."

The chicken was steaming and glistening, one of the best things he had seen in his life. The taste was like every good bite of food he'd had in his life. Nothing before had been worth it...
2024-08-31 20:40:10

A towel as reply to finally resting

When Blake got to his bed he was blown away by the view. He hadn’t expected to be filled with some much joy, and then followed by sadness. He was alone now, he had no work. Something that up until now filled most of his waking life, and he had...
2024-08-30 20:37:14

All Set as reply to saving money for a proper hotel stay

"Just a room with a view." Blake said. He adjusted his shirt by pulling on the stomach. 

It was hotter than he imagined here. There was a breeze from the sea, but still the sun seemed brighter, and it didn't stop. 

"Excuse me? For two" The receptionist said.

"Just a room...
2024-08-29 22:33:33

Time to Go as reply to falling asleep to judge judy

The next day the hotel served a continental breakfast. Various things were wrapped in plastic. Non expired but a lot were almost. Suspiciously so Steve thought. Some of the numbers looked like someone else had printed over, but the blueberry muffin tasted as it should. Each packet of blueberry was...
2024-08-28 19:15:31

Would Work as reply to eight hours away from the seaside

To  Imogen Howe there was something sinister about love. Like if someone says they love her, they would have to show it. Over and over again, even when it was inconvenient.

One of her friends taught her this a long time ago.

She whispered "Ask us to drive us, and...
2024-08-27 18:23:02

Second Coffee as reply to baka woulda been king

Blayne was back at the  Seaside Rest they had cleaned up well. No one really missed them, one guy made fun of them being off at the same time. The kid hadn't returned to work in awhile. Blayne understood. 

The first time he'd went with Danny he couldn't have eaten...
2024-08-26 21:51:31

Dave Said as reply to steve alone

Keith had been silent now for 6 hours. They were in Oregon now, and he still had his headphones on. 

"You think he can hear us? With dem tings on his head."

"The headphones, probably, I don't think they are that nice of noise cancelling."

"Fuck him. Hate that guy."

Dave felt weird...
2024-08-25 21:57:52

To Do as reply to not the middle ages

Steve hadn’t been from  Westcity but a smaller town. Just worked in Westcity, in some ways that was his big city. He remembered when he first got the job he was nervous.

The first class everyone was looking at him to give directions. The microphone wasn’t working and he had to...
2024-08-23 21:07:11

She was as reply to not the middle ages

She slammed the car door shut. So hard that it scared her a little. When the key went into the ignition her music came back on, louder than she remembered. She turned it down, embarrassed Steve would here it.

They had talked for awhile, about many things.

Steve told her...
2024-08-22 21:47:31