Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Instead
Enough time passed and he just had to ask.

“Whose that?”

“Uh what oh he’s he’s one of my friends. My mates. From back in the day. We’d take pictures, draw pictures always trying to out do one another.”

“So he’s not famous? I could have sworn I’ve seen him before”

“No no well...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 59 Teas
🍪 79 Cookies
🧇 72 Waffles
🍍 69 Pineapples
🥃 70 Whiskeys
🍫 82 Chocolate Bars
🍣 81 Sushis
☕️ 74 Coffees
🥓 80 Bacons
🍺 68 Beers
🥟 85 Dumplings
🍊 86 Tangerines
🥚 80 Eggs
🍓 71 Strawberries
🥩 63 Steaks
Short Stories

Seaside Rest as reply to a mind game

Blake didn't check out, because  Imogen Howe gave him her phone number. 

It was the night of the attack his laptop was stolen, but she was worried about him. She cleaned up his head, and put on some anti-bacterial to prevent infection. Then she gave him her number. She said...
2024-09-11 21:03:39

Should be in Soon as reply to this could spell trouble

It was the way he asked. Like he already knew the answer, the question was more about if he could trust her. She dodged it well she thought. 

She hadn't seen them in a little, like 5 days. The guy who got rob still hadn't left. Now the kid was...
2024-09-10 20:48:07

Story Going as reply to he owes me

The lady despite her vision slowly fading, and her hearing getting worse, was the only one who knew everything. She saw everything. 

The girl, the gun, the men and the murder. 

Although she didn't see the murder she knew their must have been one. Possibly two she wrote. 

The detective...
2024-09-09 09:01:37

Thought as reply to prince of mordor

“I need some air.”

The detective went outside while the policeman interviewed the front desk person and then the bar man. 

He lit his lighter. Well tried the sea air blew this way and that, putting the flame out. He cupped his hand around it and puffed hard on the cigarette....
2024-09-08 22:10:14

He Heard as reply to a distrubance

"Shit fuck just grab his computer."

"Shut the door."

"Fuck, get your hands, help, he."

"Keep him quiet."

"Just the computer is all we need."

"Keep quiet."

The three men had ski masks on. They'd slipped in at night when they thought he Blake was gone. He had just went out to get ice. 

"We just...
2024-09-07 22:10:59

Okay, Yeah Okay as reply to couldn't hear

Its  curious how sound bounces off of walls she thought. The men outside the automatic doors. When it opened the sound came in and when it closed it stoped. 

It opened.

"We'll just go in there and steal his laptop nothing else has to happen."

"We told you this would happen."

"They would...
2024-09-06 19:41:20

It Down as reply to the kid is worried

She never liked the smoking. Always complained to management. Would get a sarcastic respponse like "What else are people going to do on breaks?". But she didn't like it. 

She had some kind of deal with the hotel owner, like she just worked mornings. 6-11. Then she left. She liked it...
2024-09-05 22:12:46

Just Wait as reply to what blake needed

The kid went outside to smoke, he did this when he told people to stop smoking. Like an hommage or something, but also he'd check their windows. People always smoked out the windows, and every hates when they get busted. 

So he went out under Blakes window surprised there wasn't...
2024-09-04 20:24:19

Opened the Window as reply to what you're looking for

Danny Calruso, he'd heard that before or was familiar. Maybe just sounds like a mobster. 

He sat at the bar a little while longer, his whiskey now seeming more than he wanted. So he left the rest, almost a whole shot,  Imogen Howe would have laughed at him. Said something...
2024-09-03 22:48:42

Clean Shaven as reply to ready for some whiskey?

The bar was busier than usual. He thought it was August, so people had to be on holiday or something. Was school out? He had no idea. There was the pamphlet couple, but now three men at one table. All beer, Budweiser , one of them he recognized. Worked here,...
2024-09-02 21:53:32