Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Ask you Something
"What do you mean he left?" Danny said. He could feel his face getting hot, he'd been prepping all night. Didn't have time do deal with another fire. Recently that was all he was doing, is putting out fires.

"He, I don't know man, just took off. He ran. He,...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 55 Teas
🍪 73 Cookies
🧇 68 Waffles
🍍 63 Pineapples
🥃 66 Whiskeys
🍫 73 Chocolate Bars
🍣 75 Sushis
☕️ 71 Coffees
🥓 74 Bacons
🍺 62 Beers
🥟 80 Dumplings
🍊 81 Tangerines
🥚 71 Eggs
🍓 66 Strawberries
🥩 58 Steaks
Short Stories

Ode to Rainbows

There is something about a rainbow. That I get caught totally off guard. Its so strange, a grey boring sky lit up, all of a sudden, by a arc of colors. I can't image what people must of thought back in the day. Like before they had fire, or even...
2022-07-22 18:55:44

Chuck: WFH

Chuck woke up that day and checked his computer. He saw a friend from back home post "Your network is your networth". Lazily he checked the various apps, like leafing through a magazine, he appeared in 20 searches that week, and he was getting noticed. He laughed at the thought....
2022-07-21 18:46:34

Ice Chips as reply to white collar

Juno had barely slept last night. It was hot, and hotter next to these grills. But he kept going, periodic relief came from a fan plugged in near the freezer, that every so often would blow cool air down his aisle. He was in charge of three things warm the...
2022-07-19 19:05:02

Running Thoughts

Today there was toasted grass and shades of straw. 
The normal multitude of smells, was replaced by one, heat. 
Again they told us that its not because of people, 
but this century we will see Englands hottest temperatures. 
The hottest currently was recorded in 2019 in the same garden that...
2022-07-17 17:29:21


That day he arrived early. He searched his car for a little weed , he said he'd bring it for the others so they could make their shifts interesting. When he finally found the small bag. A tap on the door startled him.

"No rush today Juno "

They called him...
2022-07-16 14:53:31


A screen booted on, just as the first coffee was coursing through his veins. Smooth jazz played in the back. It was like most mornings. The bosses check your mouse movements so you gotta get up in time, at least in time just to start everything and make it look...
2022-07-14 21:06:49


Chris now has a kid I don't remember her name, but when we were in school together no one thought he could do that. Its not he was voted least likely to have a kid, or anyone said that specifically but just he wasn't destined for greatness or fatherhood or...
2022-07-13 10:58:28


Back on that improv, been away for awhile. I know improve comedy is kind of lame.  But it has something very theoretically beautiful to it. Similar to Jazz but more approachable. Could be a less cool jazz. The acapella version of standup comedy. 

In it though the whole idea is...
2022-07-12 22:03:07

Drew's Blog

On the way to work I had a thought about people, specifically this paper. Where researchers found that when trying to problem solve people tend to use addition rather than subtraction . Addition in the sense of adding variables to find a solution rather than subtracting. The authors give an...
2022-07-09 10:09:03

Clarity as reply to Heat

Today I started work early while writing and it was a nice way to start. No one in the lab, a cup of coffee . Lately I have been writing a lot about clarity , and I feel like in professional life that is the reason I have been writing....
2022-07-08 08:11:03