Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Ask you Something
"What do you mean he left?" Danny said. He could feel his face getting hot, he'd been prepping all night. Didn't have time do deal with another fire. Recently that was all he was doing, is putting out fires.

"He, I don't know man, just took off. He ran. He,...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 55 Teas
🍪 73 Cookies
🧇 68 Waffles
🍍 63 Pineapples
🥃 66 Whiskeys
🍫 73 Chocolate Bars
🍣 75 Sushis
☕️ 71 Coffees
🥓 74 Bacons
🍺 62 Beers
🥟 80 Dumplings
🍊 81 Tangerines
🥚 71 Eggs
🍓 66 Strawberries
🥩 58 Steaks
Short Stories

Leaves as reply to just like the first time

The blue man was back the next day at the park. Denver wasn’t though, so he just walked around at first. The park wasn’t very big and every time something kind of moved he though it might have been Denver. Another guy walked up, but didn’t like to talk. Or...
2022-09-20 20:00:42

Different as reply to denver

The question caught him off guard. And he didn't really think he was allowed to tell him who he was. He thought he wouldn't believe him. 

I am just Blue he said. 

And the guy laughed yeah, I've seen that guy on the tv, everyone wants to be like that. ...
2022-09-19 19:33:52

Air as reply to warm

They didn't understand. After running the numbers and checking twice views were still dropping. Everyone of his dances were designed to resonate to be fun to do, and copy. Like a ripple in water. But lately they getting more people looking away from the screen. And the global screen time...
2022-09-18 20:59:21

Soup as reply to andrew the newspaper delivery man

He was soaking wet before he realized what he was doing. The rain poured down unrelenting, and he looked up at this point and people were staring at him. But he was in shock, he felt sick. He admitted to it, the blue man said he killed the girl. Plain...
2022-09-17 19:23:19

The Rain as reply to friend

The blue man bobbed into the room followed by a man well dressed in a suit. The blue man crooned holding his hand like he was holding a microphone

"Yesterday, and days before
Sun is cold and rain is hard
I know, been that way for all my time "

The kids looked at...
2022-09-16 20:36:38

Strange as reply to equality

The blue man and the kid were not sure what just happened, and it was strange to both of them that sometimes when they thought the other one was there with them. Not that they were both crazy, but they were experiencing in the same thing. This only happened at...
2022-09-15 21:07:55

#fake as reply to for the likes

The Blue man was tired. He had been up since 6 doing these moves. The same moves he did yesterday and the day before that. He had too. He had to make the deadline for the post. He had to learn them perfectly before Sunday, because thats when the camera...
2022-09-14 20:49:54

The blue man as reply to tragic

The blue man’s origins were hard to remember. The kid remembers a group but then he remembers others saying that the blue men didn’t need fun. He was happy with his life no matter what and you should be too. Everyone followed the blue man. And his danced online. Every...
2022-09-13 22:03:15

Untethered as reply to wishing he was dead

He wasn’t even there because he wanted to be. Well he wasn’t sure. That was the only shop in town with eggs. And there wasn’t much else he usually craved. When he thought how it to him seemed like the world. The yolk the core and white part the place...
2022-09-12 18:58:49

Skipping Stones

Near the water is a place you can feel small. I read somewhere that singing makes you feel more relaxed because your exhale is longer than your inhale. Listening to waves made me feel the same. They weren’t necessarily a reminder to breath but a metronome of sorts. 

There was...
2022-09-11 18:45:12