Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing To Be Early
It would be like, he looked at his watch, two hours until she got there. The sun was already setting, and it cast everything in orange. He was hopeful. Don't ask him why, just he had a feeling that all the bad shit in his life was over. He knew...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 46 Teas
🍪 67 Cookies
🧇 63 Waffles
🍍 57 Pineapples
🥃 54 Whiskeys
🍫 64 Chocolate Bars
🍣 65 Sushis
☕️ 64 Coffees
🥓 62 Bacons
🍺 56 Beers
🥟 68 Dumplings
🍊 69 Tangerines
🥚 62 Eggs
🍓 51 Strawberries
🥩 48 Steaks

This Month as reply to in the future, he'd remember

She woke up that day from a nightmare. One that once she really got up she was fine, but during she remembered how bad she felt.

During that time of school everyone had a place to be, people would come in wearing shirts of the colleges they got into. While...
2024-01-06 19:35:18

Seen as reply to in the future, he'd remember

He read something last night. Maybe it was on  Instagram or  Twitter , where you don’t remember like the top writer or the top football player, but you remember a good teacher or a good coach. These people you read about don’t really matter it’s the people who are close...
2024-01-05 21:24:58

How All of it Was as reply to in the future, he'd remember

She liked having him. It was nice someone was there to talk to when it was slow. It seemed like though winter break was the busy period. They were the only place with a decent seating area. Imogen hated it though. Not the money, that she was happy, she could...
2024-01-04 21:59:34

Choose Here as reply to what would it be like?

In the car he took a drink of his coffee. Damn, he thought, that was good. Way better than  Westcity and cheaper, he checked his bank app 3.10 for that a scone, Jesus.

He drove back through familiar streets, he decided to take the long way. That was nice, he liked...
2024-01-03 17:21:36

She asked as reply to stopping by the cafe before going to the parents'

"Haven't seen you here in awhile. Hold on a second, Im trying to do something. If you just want coffee theres some cups there, just leave a dollar or whatever."

"Hows it going?"

"I'm trying to." She was behind her espresso machine, and some lighting. "Set up a live feed, you know...
2024-01-02 20:57:29

That Too as reply to sweat in the kitchen

Aaron moved to New York a while ago, he’d tell people. It was really about two years ago, before that he was in Jersey where he worked at McDonalds and this frozen yogurt joint while he was going to art school. Sculpture, although he told everyone in New York that...
2024-01-01 22:33:04

Make That as reply to sweat in the kitchen

There was a lull. He poured the beer himself. The sound of it filling up the glass calmed him. He filled it halfway then drank that down. Filled it a bit more no one was looking and took another few gulps. Then while looking back he took another sip before...
2023-12-31 19:00:07

Thank you as reply to after pizza

He found one bar. It’s windows were steamed udon, but he could see through the window laptops and glasses of beer. It was like a mirage. At the same time he was warm and the bartender quickly poured him a beer. 

He looked around a lot of people alone like...
2023-12-30 19:31:28

Their Painting as reply to tempted to leave

Stephen now only visited Marc for the meals. He’d change the belts that bound him. He didn’t say much. 

The cooking improved also to normal food. When he would leave he could hear him go upstairs. 

Marc could he when he came and went. When he got up in the...
2023-12-29 21:44:11

Fess Ave as reply to whatever you say, partner

Jerry drove home from the funeral with the radio blaring loudly. Two people in one week gone, maybe 3. He tried calling Elena, straight to voice mail. 

He was thrown off by the whole thing, he arrived at home, but couldn’t go in. He kept the car running. 

He instead...
2023-12-28 19:38:23