Daniel Miller @dealingwith


Daniel Miller last shared their writing

Daniel Miller wrote a private post

Daniel's Pantry
🍫 10 Chocolate Bars
🍍 18 Pineapples
🍵 10 Teas
🍓 11 Strawberries
🧇 11 Waffles
🥟 15 Dumplings
🥚 9 Eggs
🍣 13 Sushis
🥓 10 Bacons
🍪 11 Cookies
🥃 8 Whiskeys
🥩 11 Steaks
🍊 11 Tangerines
🍺 8 Beers
☕️ 4 Coffees

Just a quote and to say I like the UI changes

When I say I don’t like your idea, I’m not saying that I don’t like you. And if we’ve been persuaded by marketers and politicians that everything we do and say is our identity, then it gets very difficult to learn, to accept useful feedback and to change.

Evolving our choices...
2021-04-13 04:59:23

Everything Else
Expanding on the subject matter

Keywordspracticalreal-worldpreparationSectionsProcessproblem: most people entering their first job, or whose first job was at a smaller unstructured shop (like an agency), don't have any idea about how a functional software development shop is run. They have to learn on the fly the meanings of many buzz words. They might have to...
2021-04-09 03:50:50

"Make Progress"

So I just happened across a button somewhere on this site that said, "Make Progress" and I was immediately inspired, compelled even, to write. It's curious how the copy on a digital button can change things. Had it said simply "Write" I might have gone back to some other task....
2021-04-07 03:52:26

Starting: Removing Barriers

One of the difficult things about starting is removing things that might be in your way. I'll give an example from my own experience.

I'm terrible at meditation, yet acknowledge the good it would provide me. I've tried to get started in various ways. I've tried a number of different techniques,...
2021-03-31 04:54:38

Opinions are like...

"Strong opinions, loosely held," is held up in various circles as admirable. I'm starting to wonder. It beats "Loose opinions, strongly held," for sure, but what about just having fewer opinions that need to be held in the first place?

It seems like opinions--and, in particular, the need to express them,...
2021-03-30 01:33:44

Weekend review

I just finished a "weekly review"...a long overdue weekly review. I time-box my weekly reviews to two hours because otherwise I would be backlog swimming until dawn. I have a card (page) template in Notion:

[ ] Time-block this timePaper inbox: 30min[ ] Open unopened mail[ ] Capture any next actions[...
2021-03-22 05:03:29

More From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows


adj. astonished to think back on the bizarre sequence of accidents that brought you to where you are today—as if you’d spent years bouncing down a Plinko pegboard, passing through a million harmless decision points, any one of which might’ve changed everything—which makes your long and winding path feel fated...
2021-03-20 03:15:25

Everything Else
starting everythingelse.dev

I guess I have technically already started, but I'm going to use this space to officially start this project, because starting will involve just getting a lot of stuff out of my head and onto a page.

I technically started because I bought a domain name and a Notion page in...
2021-03-14 17:18:14

effectiveness is overrated

I was thinking today about how doing the right things is overrated. I was thinking it's more important to do anything than to make sure it's the right thing to be doing at that moment. Often, when we try to determine the right thing to be doing at that moment,...
2021-03-13 05:10:46

"How to work with Daniel"

At work we all have our own pages in Roam and in them we write a "How to work with [me]". There was no template or suggestions although we all stole ideas from each other as to what to put in this section. This is a part of mine. I'm...
2021-03-11 04:57:27