Peter Dannock @peterdannock

The West Gate Bridge workers were a highly unionised workforce. Safety concerns over the construction method of the bridge, and disputes over workers'...
It's a delight to read your account on something familiar as hyped coffee shops. We're used to taking it for granted indeed, and we expect good espresso everywhere we go...
Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't have said all that because what Murakami is saying there also makes sense and not only that, it feels like the better approach. But don't listen...
Judge Brandon
For some reason I thought you were into cooking. I remember you commenting that you would rather cook than clean onΒ
You cook, I'll wash up
Peter Dannock
I agreeΒ peterdannock Β - A vacation doesn't have to involve a flight or a long drive. Just relaxing in whichever way possible should work.Β