Abraham Kim @abrahamKim
Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.
Solo Echo Practice π
Poems 2022 π
Squid Game π
Fiction Snippets π
Tennis π
Flash Fiction Practice π
Southbridge Freewriting Snippets π
Echo and Narcissus Writing Club π
Writing Driven Development π
Abe's Blog π
Documenting Adagia π
Letters to People π
Adagia Alerts π
Notes Following a Walk π
Willie π
Adagia Copy π
brian bug π
Poems 2021 π
Abe Snippets π
Character Sketches -- many stolen from D.M. π
Business Copy for Products that don't exist π
Adagia Broadcasts π
foo π
foo π
Engaging Expositions π
fish city π
Documenting Adagia π
Indie Hackers π
200 Words a Day π
Notes Following a Walk π
Westcity π
I was once in a writing club with abrahamKim and this site feels like the social media version of that. I like knowing that other people will see what I...
abrahamKim the reading list is growing exponentially. i need a machine to throw a random title at me to make progress on every day otherwise I'll never get to covering...
Thanks all, nice to be here! :)
that's a tricky hypothetical... one scenario sounds immediately and consistently terrible (sincere about the wrong things) while one sounds like long-term attrition...
- is the code fucking master
Wait - or is it another code fuckin' disaster?
When he should be sat codin'
tryin to fix the wrong
He's cold fuckin chillin -
loadin up the...
abrahamKim i see. Re: this phase you're talking about, what are the parameters to look out for? Is it dependent on how large the codebase gets, how many bugs with...
abrahamKim that could almost be a reply to the question: "What's the meaning of life?" It's just the narrative we tell ourselves.
abrahamKim yeah it's the halo effect. So easy to fall into.