Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Was There
Dave moved slow across the parking lot hiding under car after car. Going from tire to tire, but there wasn't anyone there. This made him worry more. Where did they go. He threw one stone down under a string of cars no movement nothing.Β 

He had to make it to...
Drew's Pantry
🍡 47 Teas
πŸͺ 68 Cookies
πŸ§‡ 63 Waffles
🍍 57 Pineapples
πŸ₯ƒ 54 Whiskeys
🍫 64 Chocolate Bars
🍣 65 Sushis
β˜•οΈ 65 Coffees
πŸ₯“ 62 Bacons
🍺 57 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 68 Dumplings
🍊 69 Tangerines
πŸ₯š 62 Eggs
πŸ“ 51 Strawberries
πŸ₯© 49 Steaks

Watching Him as reply to empire state building

The next day he called in sick again. No one batted an eye.

"Of course take as much time as you need" they told Keith.

I need about a week, Keith thought. That should be enough time to take it all in. Flights were cheaper than he thought, last minute deal....
2023-10-23 15:11:37

She thought as reply to spy again

Marianna didn't reach out of respect for Keith, she told herself. She then made herΒ  Instagram public, and started posting here and there. Checking the views, and the likes, no one but the normal people, friends or friends, or friends of Cal. No one else. She was hoping for some...
2023-10-22 21:18:24

Felt Different as reply to tall black

Keith couldn't help but notice things about people, even when he wasn't trying. K-Man he noticed wears the same pants everyday, almost for about 3 weeks now. Keith notices because of the stain near his calf, that he hasn't washed them for that long. Keith would do about a week...
2023-10-21 17:28:50

Back to Clean as reply to keith saw truth

The coffee this time was supposed to taste different. The barista told Keith.Β 

"Yeah, so this is like actually, my favorite drink atm." He pronounced each letter.

"Its supposed to be like an americano, but like more flavor right away."Β 

Keith now listening to him talking about this regretted his decision,...
2023-10-20 16:18:30

Any Dogs as reply to driving to fog city

Max was rapping. Tried to turn his heat up, not much blew through. He breathed through his hands.Β 

"Fog city bitch, fog fog cit bitch."

He had about a half tank of gas so should be good. Don't wanna be driving here on E he thought. Stopped at a light and...
2023-10-19 14:37:33

Sessions as reply to what breed?

"Some sort of Terrior? I think, hmm." She put her glasses on her face and took them off squinting her eyes.Β 

"Hmm not sure, cute though, they all are aren't they, cute dogs." Max took his phone back a replied with a nod. "Sure are."

He went outside his vape. "The...
2023-10-18 15:55:01

See you Soon as reply to should've went to college

James couldn't sleep, he was up through Big Joe's watch and then his own. Big Joe told him "No lights on in the tent, if its the cops pretend your crazy they'll come here, but just to fuck with the people don't get scared." James had to though during the...
2023-10-17 19:59:09

That wasn't in the plan as reply to comfort on the phone

Big Joe floored it, passing a semi and then tucking into an exit just in the nick of time. There weren't anyone following them, but he just wanted to be sure.Β 

"I still can't believe it." He said, he was gripping the steering wheel checking often the rear view mirror,...
2023-10-16 18:12:06

Want to scream as reply to reminiscing

And Tulsa could see all of that. She glanced over at the two guys, now charging their phones. The storm and the blackout just happened. All of that happened, and it would over and over in her mind.Β 

Tulsa could see people's futures. More generally though she could read their...
2023-10-15 19:12:59

Folded as reply to turn of events

Three dead at The Dolphin Motel.

The Dolphin Motel, that was Meghan's hotel, he thought.

He called her once, no answer letting the phone ring for awhile, still no answer.Β 

He read the news, the three people dead were un-identified. There was two suspects, one large man, another smaller one, they had...
2023-10-14 20:47:38