Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing the connection
In Berlin the sun was nowhere to be found. Jack walked aimlessly. Took a few trains. Tried to think. Think without writing in hopes that the connection would return but it was just himself alone with his own thoughts.

The memories he had inherited from the other man were now fading....
Abraham's Pantry
πŸ§‡ 51 Waffles
🍫 52 Chocolate Bars
πŸͺ 40 Cookies
πŸ₯ƒ 39 Whiskeys
🍊 34 Tangerines
β˜•οΈ 59 Coffees
🍺 53 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 47 Dumplings
🍍 48 Pineapples
🍡 42 Teas
🍣 49 Sushis
πŸ₯“ 38 Bacons
πŸ₯š 40 Eggs
πŸ₯© 35 Steaks
πŸ“ 44 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

Abe's Blog
Beginners vs Intermediates

The toughest thing to do as a writer is to step away from a project without stepping away from writing itself. I think this is what distinguishes beginners from intermediates. A beginner must have a project they are inspired by to be able to write. Once inspiration from that project...
2021-06-15 16:28:33

Somebody who works at Balloon House Magazine
A rant on millennials

I was now using Gmail like a dating app. Only that I had a single prospect and I was uninterested in finding others. Plus who else would chat with me like this over email.

I think it was easy for Jeannie and I to carry long-winding multi-threaded conversations over email...
2021-06-15 15:27:16

Abe's Blog
A note on today's flow

I'm writing this to document how i felt today about writing Unfair Yours Truly .

The output is not significantly better. The words itself are no better than any of the words I've written in the past 191 days on this site....
2021-06-14 16:41:19

Somebody who works at Balloon House Magazine

Later while alone it what I wanted when around Jeannie became clear. It went beyond her flesh, past the mere material -- just as how the story of a book is worth more than the ink and paper that contain it,Β 

I'd been daydreaming too much about my meetings with...
2021-06-14 16:26:09

Abe's Blog
What is dirty?

Many things I grew up being taught turned out to be backwards. Like the fear of dirt my mom instilled in me. I never actually feared dirt like I did monsters in the dark, but her binary way of treating dirt as something filthy like feces meant that I categorized...
2021-06-14 15:43:26

Abe's Blog
Fear of change

A common pitfall in storytelling is not choosing to tell a story that leaves the character changed forever. I was sitting outside feeling summer breeze under a tree when this thought came to me:

We fear changing our characters forever because we fear it in our own lives. We want to...
2021-06-13 17:03:13

Somebody who works at Balloon House Magazine
Dreams of Flesh

Jeannie was talented. And incredibly beautiful. When such beauty is paired with even a modicum of talent the halo effect swindles you into hyperbolizing all non tangible assets about them. But no matter how much of that fallacy I was victim to, from an objective stance Jeannie Hammond just really...
2021-06-13 16:49:43

200 Words a Day
What makes a legend?

Tim Subiaco will always be a legend to me. He was one of the rare members who wrote fiction everyday. Almost all the other people couldn't manage it. They either were like me and got stuck by the allure of writing the more easy nonfiction or they just stopped showing...
2021-06-12 15:23:22

Abe's Blog
Composition of my writing

I joinedΒ  200WAD intending to write fiction. What got me into it was seeing people like Tim Subiaco writing a novella in public and being blown away. I'd never seen such a thing happening in public before and never had considered the possibility. Writing until then I'd always considered a...
2021-06-12 15:09:53

Somebody who works at Balloon House Magazine

The other day I felt just how old I was. In a major city I wouldn't be old, more middle aged for working at a media company, but at Balloon House I was definitely the boomer. Everybody else was either fresh out of college or still in it. Our budget...
2021-06-12 14:48:15