Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing nobody famous enough
Marc Love was surprised to learn that Drew had a phD fromΒ  Cambridge . Not because Drew didn't seem smart but because he was here now in America working as a cashier at a grocery store. Love wanted to ask how he came to do that but didn't want to...
Abraham's Pantry
πŸ§‡ 53 Waffles
🍫 56 Chocolate Bars
πŸͺ 43 Cookies
πŸ₯ƒ 40 Whiskeys
🍊 35 Tangerines
β˜•οΈ 61 Coffees
🍺 54 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 49 Dumplings
🍍 55 Pineapples
🍡 46 Teas
🍣 53 Sushis
πŸ₯“ 44 Bacons
πŸ₯š 42 Eggs
πŸ₯© 37 Steaks
πŸ“ 47 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

Abe's Blog
Notebooking Everyday

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then writing a thought down for one day is worth a thousand days of having it tumble around in our heads. I've found the act of reflection much more active than I once assumed. I had thought it was about consuming information...
2021-05-17 13:12:59

Abe's Blog
Intercontextual Badasses

One of the treasures of learning about other cultures is all the badasses you get to learn about. No matter what context, there's always a subjective evil that needs to be fought. And when there's evil that needs fighting you get badasses.Β 

Growing up in the states I wanted to...
2021-05-16 15:04:13

Abe's Blog
On responsibility

Often people fear growing up because of responsibility. This fear is something we need to eradicate. How? By removing all responsibilities from humans by outsourcing it to robots and educational and political institutions. Just kidding.

What scares us isn't responsibility itself but a lack of it. As in if we are...
2021-05-14 22:16:10

Abe's Blog
Learning about writing through responsibility

After a cold week it finally feels like summer or at least late spring in Michigan . I'm already finding it harder to write about rooibos teas on winter nights where dark falls too soon. Finding it easier to write about summer.

I grew up thinking that yard work wasn't...
2021-05-14 22:07:33

Abe's Blog
Untitled Shared at May 13, 2021 as reply to Passion

I think the end of the 2010s and the early 2020s might be considered the era of fake passions, at least for the likes of people likeΒ  keni and myself and I suspect many others of theΒ  200WAD ilk.Β 

I have been deliberately...
2021-05-13 14:42:32

Abe's Blog
Untitled Shared at May 12, 2021

I've really been enjoying my first foray intoΒ  interactive fiction by using the scripting language Ink open sourced byΒ  Inkle .Β 

What I love most about it is how theΒ  form factor guides you into embracingΒ  tight scopes . Instead of trying to come up with the perfect way to...
2021-05-12 16:31:35

Echo and Narcissus Writing Club
Openers, Transitions, and Closers

OpenersWith the pot of fresh earl gray rooibos ready, Sally took a deep breath and dared to look directly down at the textbook that remained in her workspace. She had placed the other two textbooks under the bed, after a long battle of trying to multitask, finally coming to somehow...
2021-05-11 15:06:15

Flash Fiction Practice
The death of Trevor

It's amazing how long you can go without seeing someone who was once close to you. They may have once been a main character of your life where you wouldn't pass even one weekend without meeting up, but once that phase ends and you find yourself in a new, you're...
2021-05-11 01:38:29

Abe's Blog

Last night in bed I thought of a story I'd read years ago about how at 3AM Israel Kamakawiwo'ole was given 15 minutes to arrive at the studio. Initially the studio manager was closing down and suggested they record the next day. But Isreal insisted, saying that he"had an idea."

2021-05-10 16:47:01