Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing listening to lee
When Danny entered the bar silence would commence for a second. People would scuffle around and then things would go back to their normal ways. There was a booth that was reserved for hm. Whenever he wasn't around the bar would only allow friends sit there. They could never eat...
Abraham's Pantry
🧇 49 Waffles
🍫 48 Chocolate Bars
🍪 39 Cookies
🥃 39 Whiskeys
🍊 33 Tangerines
☕️ 56 Coffees
🍺 50 Beers
🥟 45 Dumplings
🍍 43 Pineapples
🍵 42 Teas
🍣 47 Sushis
🥓 34 Bacons
🥚 39 Eggs
🥩 31 Steaks
🍓 42 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

Ken's new room

Just out of college I still believed that children cared for the same things as adults. If I hadn't washed my hair I'd be scared that the kid would find flakes in my hair and find me gross. Or if a kid found out I didn't have a job I...
2021-03-16 15:11:55

Dan and Ken

Joan always used the phrase going into town whenever she went to Hastings. Often Dan and I would either be playing video games upstairs in our room or playing video games downstairs in Kenny's new bedroom so she would have to yell it up or down a stairwell. She also...
2021-03-15 16:20:50

Documenting Adagia
Adagia after 14 weeks -- the first microphase

Another six weeks in the bag. Building is done. Now it's time to step back to clean and tidy up. And most importantly... reflect.

Here's what took place 👇

Entering these six weeks I had been tunnel-visioning the Tribes User interaction. This was because my goal was to help writers work on...
2021-03-14 16:09:57

Snack City

The fridge always had at least one 2-liter pop, the pantry a wide selection of cereal, chips and other salty snacks, and sweets like Ding Dongs. I remember having to get used to Dan casually taking a bag and pouring himself a deep, wide bowl of salty potato chips. 

"You want...
2021-03-12 14:39:49

Fat Dan

One thing Kenny excelled at besides football, wrestling, and weightlifting was pitting me and Dan against each other. I laugh lighthearted at his tactics now after all these years but back then I craved Ken's approval wherever I could snatch it. 

Even before I lived with them Ken constantly made fun...
2021-03-11 13:58:33

Our very own Monday Night RAW pt 2

Dan was about an inch taller, but much larger. By this time, which was around 8th grade, I think he was around 200 pounds. Thankfully for me, he wasn't muscular like Kenny otherwise I wouldn't stand a chance.

Dan was also shirtlesg. Instead of blue jeans he wore basketball shorts. I...
2021-03-10 14:44:02

Our very own Monday Night RAW pt 1

My first Monday at Dan's house was all about wrestling. Not just watching RAW on TV. Not just incessantly chatting all day about what who would win and who would get their asses kicked on RAW when it finally did happen. But also literally wrestling.

The bedroom that Kenny, Dan, and...
2021-03-09 14:23:19

The Feeling of Forever as reply to Beginning

A programming package used for Adagia gives the developer a sagacious quote written as a comment any time they generate a new component.

The other day's quote was

Close your eyes and count from zero to one. That is how long forever feels like

I actually did this. Closed my eyes and counted...
2021-03-08 15:29:27

Monday Night RAW

I had already liked pro wrestling -- aka 'fake' wrestling -- before moving in with Dan. If I were by a TV when it was on I'd get excited and watch. But wrestling had never been a thing I planned my schedule around. Mainly because my family rarely had cable....
2021-03-08 14:26:14