Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing listening to lee
When Danny entered the bar silence would commence for a second. People would scuffle around and then things would go back to their normal ways. There was a booth that was reserved for hm. Whenever he wasn't around the bar would only allow friends sit there. They could never eat...
Abraham's Pantry
🧇 49 Waffles
🍫 48 Chocolate Bars
🍪 39 Cookies
🥃 39 Whiskeys
🍊 33 Tangerines
☕️ 56 Coffees
🍺 50 Beers
🥟 45 Dumplings
🍍 43 Pineapples
🍵 42 Teas
🍣 47 Sushis
🥓 34 Bacons
🥚 39 Eggs
🥩 31 Steaks
🍓 42 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

Host -- pt 1

As a kid anything seemed significant. A store named James' Tavern would make me think that my friend James either ought to shop there or be destined to own the place in the future. When somebody told me they lived in Battle Creek, I imagined the place sporting daily musket...
2021-03-26 19:00:10

The place nobody chooses

   Elementary School

Meadow Brook Elementary School had a control panel that allowed it to divvy its enormous gym into different sections. One half of this gym was our cafeteria. Everyday the Lunch Ladies would wheel out foldable, laquer-wood picnic tables that would host wave after wave of students eating in...
2021-03-25 17:37:34

Corner of the Cafeteria

   Elementary School

Without knowing what babycorn was I asked my mom if we could find babycorn pizza. She didn't know what that was either. Every once in a while though I'd ask again for it again.

Babycorn pizza was Hassan's favorite food. We ate packed lunches in our corner of a...
2021-03-24 16:45:58

Western Wood

   Elementary School
Besides friends from my apartment complex, almost every other friend I knew lived in a house. I could tell their houses were qualitatively larger than my family's two bedroom apartment, but the difference never struck me like it did my mom. 

I noticed this affect only after my play...
2021-03-23 15:27:49

Shifts in Elementary

My 5th grade year began someplace in between elementary and junior high. Forest Hills had elevated the 5th grade out of elementary schools and built these separate, brand new buildings specific to 5th and 6th graders. I don't remember the actual name for this new transitional school category, but the...
2021-03-22 14:31:41

Streak City
Medium Coffee

The thick fog cleared up soon after J was on land. Now there was plenty to see just walking around taking everything in. Buildings, signs, birds, and people. So much novel stimuli striking him that he couldn't imagine ever becoming bored. This excited him for a moment. Suddenly his brain...
2021-03-19 20:11:44


I went through most of sixth grade not making new friends. Instead, I noticed that I was spending more time with kids I had previously avoided. Losers. I was a loser and so the last type of kid I needed around me was another loser.

i went through most the year...
2021-03-19 17:27:05

Stoner pt 1

"I get drunk sometimes. But getting high's better" Kenny said.

What fascinates me now is for all the marijuana that Kenny talked, his descriptions now seem cartoonish. Maybe he had used general, vague descriptions because he knew I, being inexperienced, wouldn't have a clue what a bowl or bong was. But...
2021-03-18 14:26:45

Streak City

It was almost noon. Thick fog made it still feel like early morning to J. When he had first climbed on deck 30 minutes earlier, a sigh escaped as he imagined what it would've been like to have just flown instead. Somebody squinting his eyes and pointing towards the thick...
2021-03-17 16:46:51

Thugs and Fighting

My favorite reaction to somebody crying over how nobody could ever be interested in what they have to offer is to bring up how big gangster rap had been in the late 90s and early 2000s. Without the music industry's creative portrayal of criminal, violent, drug dealers living in the...
2021-03-17 13:53:58