Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing please
At the bar Jack sat in a booth in the corner instead of at the bar. This was unusual to do when alone. It was an unspoken rule that loners were supposed to stay out of this booth. For the most part loners sat at the bar. That's where you...
Abraham's Pantry
πŸ§‡ 44 Waffles
🍫 43 Chocolate Bars
πŸͺ 37 Cookies
πŸ₯ƒ 35 Whiskeys
🍊 30 Tangerines
β˜•οΈ 52 Coffees
🍺 47 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 42 Dumplings
🍍 34 Pineapples
🍡 35 Teas
🍣 37 Sushis
πŸ₯“ 28 Bacons
πŸ₯š 37 Eggs
πŸ₯© 26 Steaks
πŸ“ 37 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

hello therealbrandonwilson As long as they're "spinning their wheels" it's great, and if there's some joy to get out of writing then, that's a WIN, and you know what, that...