Keni @keni

Under Construction

Keni last shared their writing First Saturdays
The first Saturday of every month, I meet with two groups of ladies. One is a book club and the other is a group I became a part of after an online class. 

The book club is mostly Ethiopians and we read a book that has been voted by the...
Keni's Pantry
☕️ 50 Coffees
🍪 44 Cookies
🥟 32 Dumplings
🍵 53 Teas
🍓 30 Strawberries
🍍 44 Pineapples
🍣 45 Sushis
🍊 53 Tangerines
🥩 45 Steaks
🧇 31 Waffles
🥚 43 Eggs
🥓 49 Bacons
🍺 24 Beers
🍫 39 Chocolate Bars
🥃 32 Whiskeys
Non Fiction Books


I have written on this topic less than a month ago. Love and romance seem to be oscillating on my mind as I watch Netflix and think about listening and ego.

Today I heard Bill and Melinda Gates are getting a divorce after 27 years of marriage. For some reason, that...
2021-05-04 02:26:22


I am a competition junkie. When I look at all my favorite reality tv shows, they are all around competition of some sort. The latest on is chopped. A cooking competition show. I have been watching the show for the last few months. 

I don't remember what got me started. But...
2021-05-03 03:37:49

Echo and Narcissus Writing Club

Pre-Session Assignment for May 1st

 Bring 2 writing excerpts from your Narcissus. These can be short essays, articles, or selections (2-3 pages) from a longer book.

My response: 1. Scott Adams:
The day you became a better writer:

- Why you like these pieces in particular?
- What elements of them you most want to...
2021-05-02 03:32:47


I am finally back to writing on a regular basis. It is still harder than it used to be but I am sticking with it. 

Today, I want to resume my monthly wrap up summaries.

The good:

#1. Am back to writing daily. 
#2. Sugars are great. My latest A1C is 5.9%...
2021-05-01 03:13:58

New experience

Today I met a functional medicine doctor for the first time ever. 
I have read enough books that promote seeing a holistic doctor. Due to the state of the healthcare system in the US, a person usually gets assigned a doctor based on the most recent symptoms. That is usually...
2021-04-30 03:23:26


I have been watching a bunch of Indian and Pakistani movies lately. Ever since the White Tiger, Netflix has been recommending a bunch of movies from the two countries. And I have been enjoying it more than I expected. 

I have seen a few love stories as well. I typically...
2021-04-29 03:19:27


It was over a year ago that some of us started to write about corona when it first started showing up in the news. We were all scattered around the globe but we had similar fears and observations. 

I recall sharing that I was feeling afraid. Though there have been...
2021-04-28 02:48:11


I was at an event at WeWork one evening in 2019. I forget what the event was about but I remember the people. All of them looked like they were serious about hustling and finding financial independence. I loved it.

There was one Ethiopian guy at the event... I knew...
2021-04-27 02:28:44

Identity foreclosure

Identity foreclosure is a stage of self-identity discovery in which an individual has an identity but hasn't explored other options or ideas. Most common in young adolescents, in this stage the individual has just adopted the traits and qualities of parents and friends.

To progress beyond this stage a person must...
2021-04-26 02:09:44


Thanks to the recommendation by a few writers I met here, I started watching the show called Warriors. 
From the initial moment, I was hooked. The show has the perfect amount of martial arts, drama, conversation and above all historical context that I wasn't aware of. I will be watching both...
2021-04-25 00:48:47