Abraham Kim @abrahamKim

Hipsters talk more than Boomers these days.

Abraham Kim last shared their writing all over again
"What are you doing, Max? Can't you see you're overcooking those eggs?" Then Dave looked over at the hash. "That too." He had a look of disgust on his face. Max took the eggs and potatoes off the griddle before Dave came in to intervene.

As a shadow walked by, Dave...
Abraham's Pantry
πŸ§‡ 57 Waffles
🍫 58 Chocolate Bars
πŸͺ 47 Cookies
πŸ₯ƒ 42 Whiskeys
🍊 36 Tangerines
β˜•οΈ 64 Coffees
🍺 55 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 55 Dumplings
🍍 56 Pineapples
🍡 47 Teas
🍣 54 Sushis
πŸ₯“ 47 Bacons
πŸ₯š 43 Eggs
πŸ₯© 39 Steaks
πŸ“ 47 Strawberries
Short Stories
Non Fiction Books

bullshit as reply to Other things

McKayla probably would've never worked at The Sparrow if she hadn't looked up toΒ  Imogen Howe . Now the admiration was gone, but in its place was friendship, without which McKayla would've probably already left. Where to? she didn't know. In some ways she preferred being able to blame this...
2025-01-01 03:09:45

russian novels and holidays as reply to Stayed with her

The man reminded her of a time past. 19th centuryΒ  Russia or at least her impression of that time and geography from the literature.

She loved reading Dostoevsky and Turgenev after high school. She would still emailΒ  Jeannie Hammond about the novels. And the two would talk about life and the...
2024-12-28 04:00:10

ghosting as reply to Check on Him

While peeping out the blinds Love thought of BAKA and how he had sent him messages for days after BAKA disappeared on him back at Denver's ranch. All he wanted was a reply. Even if it was a good bye. But nothing came from the other end.

Now he was considering...
2024-12-24 19:21:45

wasn't it weird? as reply to Instead

One time Marc was en route to Ireland with that one woman. She was in his lab. And he had a crush on her the moment he saw her. In Ireland he screwed things up with her. And he never forgot about that since.

Although he couldn't remember her name anymore....
2024-12-24 03:51:54

change jar as reply to You have a good one

It was strange keeping change from a customer.Β  Bloomingfoods wasn't a restaurant. there was no tipping. At first Drew thought about putting the extra cash into the register. Instead he pocketed it. Figured it would just be wasted if he put it into the register anyway. Although the store always...
2024-12-23 04:24:01

nobody famous enough as reply to The Silence

Marc Love was surprised to learn that Drew had a phD fromΒ  Cambridge . Not because Drew didn't seem smart but because he was here now in America working as a cashier at a grocery store. Love wanted to ask how he came to do that but didn't want to...
2024-12-21 04:11:24

why had he returned? as reply to The Silence

Marc Love made everyday inΒ  Bloomington, IN a routine. Part of that routine included walking onto campus at around 8 AM in the morning then again at 10:30 AM. The second time was when there was a nice crowd of students, faculty, and staff heading to and fro. He liked...
2024-12-20 04:04:28

should've never left as reply to The Silence

Marc Love went out of his way to stop for a night in a town. He arrived in the evening before the sun had completely gone down. It was going down earlier and earlier. The nights becoming colder. He had an Airbnb in a nice neighborhood walking distance from the...
2024-12-19 03:41:03

a burning desire as reply to The Silence

He was back on road. Out west. Where the beers were smaller but the people were larger.

He had to order more beers than usual to feel a buzz. He wasn't used to ordering this many beers. When leaving the bar he'd feel uncomfortable. Worried that he'd be driving drunk. But...
2024-12-18 02:38:25

how he had vanished as reply to The Silence

Her face was planted into the table. She tried not to drool. Clanks on the floor told her thatΒ  Imogen Howe was approaching. By the tempo, she could tell Imogen was carrying a hot drink. It would probably be aΒ  Ginger Dragon .

"I brought you your favorite."

It was slow enough...
2024-12-17 12:37:09